Elders and Deacons

What is an Elder?

Biblical Eldership at LEC is a plurality of qualified men overseeing and shepherding in intentional ministry, vigilant stewardship, and authentic growing relationships. Elders are called to prayerfully protect, feed, and equip the Body of Christ. Our Elders also serve as an accountability and support system for the pastor.

Qualifications for elders are found in

1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5.

Current Elders

Our current elder team consists of : 

  • Tim McDaniel

  • Tom Brown

  • Mike Reske

  • Eric Rupp

  • Rob Egly

  • Bill VandeGiessen (Lead Pastor)

What is a Deacon?

Our Deacons consist of frontline leaders providing for physical needs in our community, cultivating congregational unity, and implementing and supporting LEC ministries. Deacons are called to serve the body at ground level in support of the Elders and the Mission/Vision of LEC.  Biblical qualifications for selecting deacons are found in Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3.

Current Deacons

  • Betty Brooks (Chair)

  • Wayne Baker

  • Mary Brown

  • Bob Egly

  • Teresa Oertel

  • Anjanette Winner